Riverside Church of Christ
Weekly sermons from Riverside Church of Christ in Coppell, TX.
Podcasting since 2015 • 459 episodes
Riverside Church of Christ
Latest Episodes
Strong Language | Words That Share Jesus
In his letter to the Colossians Paul says that our conversations with others should be full of grace and seasoned with salt. This week, we’ll explore what that means for our everyday lives.

Strong Language | Words That Bring Life
We all know the negative impact of words, but what about the positive things that words can do? This week we’ll explore some of the ways that the Spirit can work in our speech to bring life to others.

Strong Language | Telling the Truth
What does it mean to be people who tell the truth in a world where the truth feels like it is up for grabs? This week we explore the answer to that question from the words of Jesus and the positive impact that telling the truth can have on our ...