Riverside Church of Christ
Weekly sermons from Riverside Church of Christ in Coppell, TX.
Podcasting since 2015 • 464 episodes
Riverside Church of Christ
Latest Episodes
Servant King | Get Behind Me
This week we explore the beautiful story in which Peter claims that Jesus is the Messiah as well as the challenging story that follows in which Peter learns that making that claim doesn’t mean you have everything figured out.

Servant King | The King of Abundance
The feeding of 5000 is one of Jesus’ most famous miracles. But, it is more than just a supernatural production of food. What does this miracle tell us about Jesus and the kind of king he is in our lives?

Servant King | The Healing of Two Daughters
In Mark we see Jesus do lots of miracles and healings. But, what do we learn about him from these incredible stories. In this sermon we'll see how Jesus uses two healings to challenge the way we order the world.